Friday, February 08, 2008

FRIDAY UPDATE ...........

I previewed four matches on the email service today and also wrote some notes on two other games, planning to carry one or two of these on the blog later this afternoon, but not exactly sure at the moment.

As usual, the only way to be sure of receiving all the content, is to join the subscription service, details can be found on . Rates are set to rise shortly, so if you are planning to join, now, is as good a time as any.

The new website will be open to all next week, probably from late Monday morning, will put a link up on here and hope that you will take a look. There is a blog on the site, which carries free to view content. You can also view emails in full, going back over a 4-5 month period and subscribers have access to a full range of services. I will continue to post on here, but there will be more content on the new site.

Back Later.

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