Friday, April 02, 2010

EASTER ............. DAY 1

Good start to the Easter period, with the Salisbury "over" selection following on from the two winners last night and I am personally 4 from 4 on the day (so 7/7 for April) , with one game in France tonight remaining, from my five "picks" this morning.

I could have posted all these on here I guess, as I no longer operate a paid service, however, IMO it would be foolhardy for me to share all this information and thinking on a public forum, when it costs me time, energy and money, especially time, to arrive at these selections. Also, I often like to follow teams, or trends, for a game or two and to pre warn oddsmakers in advance, who doubtless trawl the blogs and forums, also seems crazy. BTW for the cynics amongst you and we all like to be sceptical at times, I did actually send today's selections to one blog reader and a few friends this morning.

Pretty sure that I will post something tomorrow, so please check back then.

Good Luck tonight to anyone betting, including me and the Bees who are entering the Lion's den !

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